After briefly introducing the latest series from one franchise in gaming industry FPS phenomenal – Crysis 3 in the form of teaser and screenshots, EA and Crytek has finally released a trailer showing the action of the Prophet in the gameplay. The Setting of New York which has now turned into a wilderness remains the primary focus in the game, with a bow and arrow is now positioned as the main weapons began to chill with this character Nanosuit. No liability-liability, You are treated to duration 20 minutes gameplay trailer, which not only exposes the visualization Cry Engine 3 charming, but freedom of action for this is indeed a hallmark of Crysis. Here's the
Crysis 3 you will get in the future!
Passing a trailer is interactive, EA invites gamers to see the Prophet in two-way action gameplay: the main Armor and Stealth. Like freedom gameplay offered in two previous series, Stealth will sue you for moving and overcome all threats are stealth, while Armor helps you to fight openly. One of the quite different is the presence of weapons, bows and arrows that will really help you to finish the Stealth missions, rather than just relying on melee takedown. It's still the Crysis that we all know .

Crysis 3 alone was released in February 2013 release. With the quality of visualization and gameplay like this, it's going to be something that it is hard to not look forward to welcoming game this one. Remember, all of the trailer you will see below are still in the process of developing pre-alpha, which means it is still in its early stages. Imagine what you'll get once the series is completed and developed. Crytek, shut up and take my money.
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